The plan

The plan
Photo by Athithan Vignakaran / Unsplash

Phase 1 - We have a platform to advertise events in the Illawarra

This is where we're at now - just launching and building up some seed content.

The site will provide a stream of events, probably listed in date order, of events and activities that are coming up in the near future.

Events will be posted to social media feeds so everyone can consume in the way they prefer.

I ❤️ live music. I'd like to spend Saturday mornings browsing what live music events are happening that evening to see if there's anything I fancy. Even better, the list of events are delivered automatically on a Saturday morning via a personalised notification.

  1. We can post venues ✅
  2. Venues include location details ✅
  3. Venues have Google Maps integration ✅
  4. We can post events ✅
  5. Events can include single dates ✅
  6. Events are linked to venues ✅
  7. Venues only show cards for events at that venue ✅
  8. Events appear in date order on the website ✅
  9. Dates change to common language ("Today", "Tomorrow", at the right times) ✅
  10. Event cards show venue details ✅
  11. Event instances disappear when their date has passed ✅
  12. New events are automatically posted to socials (Facebook ✅ , Twitter 🛑 )
  13. Event dates can be created automatically on regular schedules ("every week", "every fortnight", etc.) ✅
  14. New venues and events are created automatically from feeds

Phase 2 - Other people can collaborate on the site

The next phase involves creating the means for members of the public to post their own events, and for businesses manage the events that are already posted that they run or are at their venues.

Events that are posted by the public will need to be verified. Once a user has been verified sufficiently, their events will be automatically posted.

Phase 3 - We have raised sufficient funds to create a native app

This site is a labour of love, not a commercial venture. However, I'd really like to build an smartphone app to make it easier to create, manage, and find the events that are important to you. That costs time and money. Can you help?

  1. People can contribute to development and hosting costs...or coffee...or beer ✅ (here)